Secure e-mail communication with ALDI

We are pleased to learn that you would like to use secure e-mail communication with the ALDI SOUTH group. We have summarized all necessary information in the document "Information on secure e-mail communication" .

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Root certificate of the ALDI SOUTH group

In order to verify the trust status of the user certificates of the ALDI SOUTH group, you need our root certificate.

Checksum (fingerprint) S/MIME root certificate

With the following checksums, you can verify the validity of the root certificate from the ALDI SOUTH group.

SHA1: 03BD AB3C A1EE 9FDC 9EC4 52A9 DE3D 0C08 B1A5 39B3

MD5:  0D9C 43BF 29BF 8607 E2E6 8276 3489 CF85